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Submit Your Article to 800 web site in one Click
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Dear friend,

Using viral articles can be a great way to get free advertising for your website!

Unfortunately, when it comes to viral articles – writing them or paying to have them written is only half the battle. Once you have your articles completed, you still have to submit them to websites.

In the past, this has been a time-consuming, frustrating challenge. But not anymore …

Now thanks to the Viral Article Publisher software program, you can submit your viral articles to all the top websites with a simple click of your mouse!

Submitting Viral Articles Has Never
Been This Fast or Easy!

  • No longer do you have to manually visit each website to submit your article!
  • No longer do you have to limit yourself to submitting your article to one website at a time!
  • No longer do you have to search for websites to submit your article to!

Thanks to the amazing Viral Article Publisher software program, you can now actually select as many of the top article-accepting websites as you want and submit your article instantly to them all at once by clicking a simple button!

Once you use this program and experience its convenience you are sure to wonder how you ever got along without it!

This is Your Chance to Finally Take Advantage
of the Full Power of Viral Article Marketing!

By simplifying the submission process dramatically, the Viral Article Publisher paves the way for your article to spread like wildfire throughout the Internet.

Soon thousands upon thousands of people will be reading it and seeing your resource box information – which ultimately means more website traffic and more sales for you!

Not sure how to create a good resource box?

Don’t worry, the Viral Article Publisher program contains a tab that will guide you step-by-easy-step through creating a resource box that is sure to send customers flooding to your site!

At Last! A Fast, Simple Way
to Submit All of Your
Viral Articles!

The Viral Article Publisher is an invaluable software solution, which is extremely easy to use and which saves you from having to submit articles manually to all of the top free article sites – though it does contain that option in case you want to "hand submit” an article to one or a few select sites.

With the Viral Article Publisher, you can make just one click and submit your article to as many article sites as you want!

In today’s ultra-competitive marketplace, where everyone is looking for an advantage and a person’s time is of maximum value, this software program could be just the tool you need to increase your free advertising and explode your profits!

Here’s how:

The Viral Article Publisher makes it easier than ever before for you to get free advertising while also freeing up time that you used to waste remembering or locating website addresses and then typing them into your web browser.

Thanks to the Viral Article Publisher, you’ll be able to use that newfound extra time to grow your business and increase sales!

Here are more features and benefits of the Viral Article Publisher program:

  • Allows you to submit an article to as many sites as you want!
  • Saves you a tremendous amount of time that you can use to grow your business or spend with your family!
  • Streamlines your article submission process by eliminating frustrating searches as well as any typing errors and incorrect web address entries that you may make!
  • Prevents you from having to go through your endless list of article sites to find each one that you want to submit an article to and then visit them manually!
  • And much, much more!

Here’s How the Viral Article Publisher Works:

  1. You enter the user information you want included in your resource box
  2. You then add or edit an article
  3. You select which websites you want to submit your article to from a list containing all the top article sites
  4. You click submit.

It’s that easy!

And That’s Not All the Viral Article
Publisher Allows You to Do!

The Viral Article Publisher also allows users to make manual submissions when you want to selectively submit a particular article to select websites

Category: My articles | Added by: wash91 (2011-09-10)
Views: 6382 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 winqxara   (2011-09-13 8:35 PM) [Entry]
Eu sou afiliado desta Companhia. Voce tem de instalar o codigo em um site que voce administre, codigo html (tags) e depois vão aparecer os ads nesse site. Pode também usar os web-endereços, tem uma página na sua conta onde pode criar novos endereços relacionados com os seus sites (de referido, ou sites pessoais). Na sua conta pode criar os seus ads - ou anuncios, coloridos, que vão entrar em rotação sempre que alguem visionar ads em outro lugar qualquer. É muito bom e dá Muita Exposição a quem utiliza este sistema de divulgação. Recomendado! smile

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